
backnd develops methods to help eCommerce merchants achieve backend goals. Methods are a novel means to an end when merchants are out of options.

Established in 2019 by Sitesquad, LLC to facilitate a Magento exit to Moltin, a nascent micro services eComn platform, ultimately to pivot into developing methods and lightweight apps for eCommerce merchants.

  • Mission: Build discrete, single-purpose methods / apps for backend ops
  • Target Clientele: ~$1m-$20m eCommerce merchants
  • Merchant Integrations: Magento, Shopify, Big Commerce
  • Canvas: Firebase, Vue.js, Node.js, Express, MongoDB


A kind of lightweight app

Lightweight, low maintenance, low cost

backnd methods fulfill important, but ancillary needs. They round out the backend capabilities and processes of our merchant clients. They perform functions not supported in our clients' primary backend consoles.

backnd methods are not sprawling systems, but rather discrete, often single-purpose programs. Lightweight apps, at most. They are not borne out of MBA product discovery teams and do not go through rigorous Agile product development.

backnd methods are low maintenance. They run on app delivery services like Google Firebase and managed database services like MongoDB Atlas minimizing systems management and hosting administration.

backnd methods can be extremely low cost after upfront builds. They do not carry subscriptions fees and maintenance demand is generally minimal once they've been built to fulfill their specific purpose.


Technology backdrop

Contemporary, modern architectures

  • Data Stores – Firebase, MongoDB Atlas
  • Frontend UX – Vue.js.
  • Middleware API / App Server – Node.js, Express
  • Supporting - PHP, REST, JSON
  • Hosting – Firebase, Digital Ocean
  • Store Integrations – Magento, Big Commerce, Shopify

Method Uses

Enterprise-wide applicability

Fulfillment, management, sales and marketing

  • Order fulfillment via lightweight mobile pulling app
  • BI via an enterprise reporting dashboard app
  • Retail store sales via API SKU lookups on store digital displays

Do you have a backend need or idea that could be fulfilled with a backnd method? If so, call or text Todd Simmons at ‪(412) 345-3409‬.