Custom API for Moltin
Self-hosted, custom API for write-level access to Moltin Flows as well as certain validation routines for custom objects and checkout methods that Moltin does not offer out of the box.
Sample endpoints :
- Customers
- POST /customer/requestReset
- POST /customer/resetPassword
- POST /customer
- PUT /customer/:id
- Product Reviews
- GET /product-reviews/:product-id
- POST /product-reviews
- Wishlist
- POST /wishlist/:wishlist-id/item
- PUT /wishlist/:wishlist-id/item/:item-id
- DELETE /wishlist/:wishlist-id/item/:item-id
- Product Alerts
- POST /product-alerts
- DELETE /product-alerts/:alert-id
- Gift Certificates / Gift Cards
- GET /giftcard/:code
- Checkout
- GET /checkout/:cart-id/shipping
- POST /checkout/:cart-id/shipping
- DELETE /checkout/:cart-id/shipping
- POST /checkout/:cart-id/tax
- GET /checkout/:cart-id/rewards
- POST /checkout/:cart-id/rewards
- POST /checkout/:cart-id/giftcard
- DELETE /checkout/:cart-id/giftcard/:giftcard-id
- POST /checkout/:cart-id/update
- POST /checkout/:cart-id/submit